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The Gospel

Welcome to Rock Island Community Church. Please take a moment to read about the

HOPE we have in Christ Jesus.

Please reach out with any questions.

Man is sinful

All of humanity is naturally dead.

We are not interested in God.

We do not want God. We have turned our backs on Him and are more enthralled with the goodies of this world. We want those beautiful things we see, those wonderful things that make us feel good, and those amazing things that make us proud. We are desperately lost in our evil, wickedness, and sin.

Sin has consequences

What we often do not realize is that sin has a very sobering end, death. Because we are sinners, by nature and choice, we will see the anger of God. He has sentenced us to eternal anguish and horror in hell as a consequence for our rebellion. But let us be clear, we chose this. When we were free to choose obedience and righteousness, we decided to disobey God and go our own way.

God even warned us of the punishment that would come if we decided against Him, and we did it anyway. Our rebellion, self-centeredness, and subsequent death is our own decision.

We have HOPE

But there is a way of escape. We can be saved from our sin and its penalty.
God offers us life instead of death. But how?


God sent His only Son to become a human being. This unique person is both God and man, the man Jesus Christ. He never rebelled, nor disobeyed, but lived righteously as no man ever did or could. In His holiness and perfection, He demonstrated His acceptability as the sacrifice for our rebellion and death.

And so, Jesus Christ was crucified, and as He died, He took the penalty of our sin and died our death, and simultaneously offered us His life. An exchange, His life for our death. This life is everlasting, with eternal joy, peace, and fulfillment as its benefits.

Repent & Believe

So, how do you get this life? You must acknowledge your sin. Recognize in all honesty, that you are not holy, righteous, and pure, but are rebellious, disobedient, and selfish. You must understand that your sin has consequences. You are a dead man walking. Your eternal destiny is the torture and torment of hell because of your sin. And, you must place your eternal soul in the hands of God by believing that Jesus Christ died in your place so that you could be forgiven your sins and have eternal life.


Trust in God alone is all there is to it. You cannot earn salvation through giving, effort, or exchange. You have to believe that God has taken care of it for you, is still taking care of it, and will bring it to completion, because He is the only one that can.


“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt
be saved.” – Acts 16:31.

If you have trusted Christ as your savior, then join others who’ve done the same at church this coming Sunday. You are now a part of our family.

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